A nutritious breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack are prepared at the Center and served daily.  The menu is posted in the bulletin board across from the office and in each classroom.

Breakfast is served at 8:15am. If you would like us to feed your child breakfast they need to arrive at the center no later than 8:15.

The two year old classroom has a morning snack at 10:00 and everyone has lunch between 11:45-12:00.

Afternoon snack is served at 3:15 after the children wake up from their naps.

Berry Patch practices Family Style Dining. Family Style Dining is an approach to serving meals that allows the children to serve themselves from shared bowls and platters of food. Everyone is served the same meal and eats together at the same time. The teachers eat lunch with the children to create a home-like atmosphere.  During this time, we teach the fundamentals of good nutrition, sound eating habits and table manners.


Food exceptions may be made for medical or religious reasons.